Inspiration for the Class of '24

It's that time when teachers, parents, and students anticipate the close of another school year. For some of us, it marks the commencement of a new era. It is a time for celebrating the accomplishments and future dreams of our seniors. As a mom of nine, with two of my own children graduating, I wish to share some inspiration with our dear graduates.

  1. You are valued and loved. You are a unique masterpiece. You are accepted and loved unconditionally. Someone just like you has never been and never will be.

  2. You have a purpose. You were placed here for such a time as this.

  3. Do the next thing. The next few years are stepping stones. There is no need to have your entire life figured out. Invest in yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. Develop your abilities, grow in weaknesses, and fine-tune your strengths.

  4. Serve others. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than making a difference in another person's life. You could be the answer to someone’s need. Use your time, gifts, and talents to bless others. Give expecting nothing in return. Invest eternally. Giving is the reward.

  5. Learn from mistakes. Allow your mistakes and the mistakes of others to make you better, not bitter. Wisdom is born out of failure, and failure is not your final destination. Get up, adapt, and try again.

  6. Life is a vapor; make it count. Life is not a one-track raceway. It is like a garden in which we live by the principle of sowing and reaping. What seeds will you plant in the next year, five years, or ten years? And what do you hope to reap from the seeds planted? How do you plan on nurturing the garden of your life? Do you have a supportive community to help you reap the garden you envision? Allow wisdom and sound counsel to help guide you in this process. Refrain from wasting precious time and energy tending to seeds that will not reap a lasting harvest. Life goes by so quickly. Like vapor, it appears for a moment and is gone. What will last beyond your time here on earth? Plant it, water it, invest in it, reap it. It’s worth it!


Seniors of 2024, you did it! We are with you, we are for you, and we believe you are ready to make a lasting impact in your community and in the lives of others!


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