Kids Corner: Bottle Cap Soda Flower Wreath

Materials: for 1 wreath

Soda bottle caps (about 14 caps)
1 (6-inch) embroidery hoop
Purple, yellow and white paint
Paint brush
Different colored ribbons cut into (6-inch lengths)
Hot glue

Step 1: Paint all the bottle caps white as a primer. Allow them to dry completely.
Step 2: Paint 7 bottle caps yellow and 7 bottle caps purple. Allow them to dry completely and
then add a second coat.
Step 3: Once the paint is dry, paint the sides of the caps with a darker or lighter shade of purple
and yellow to resemble the center of a flower (as shown in the picture). Allow it to dry.
Step 4: Cut your ribbons into 6-inch lengths.
Step 5: Use hot glue to attach 6 yellow bottle caps together to form a flower. Repeat the same
process with the purple caps.
Step 6: Glue your flowers onto the embroidery hoop.
Step 7: Tie your ribbons around the hoop.
Step 8: Tie a string to the top of the hoop for hanging.

Voilà !!

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