Fostering Inclusion and Making An Impact at Colonial Forge

At Colonial Forge, the school community strives to be an inclusive and safe environment for all students. This is demonstrated by the numerous clubs and unions formed by students and teachers looking to impact the student body in a positive way.

Among these, the Black Student Union (BSU) and Female Empowerment Club stand out as stellar examples of inclusivity, providing safe spaces where individuals from marginalized groups can find support, advocacy, and a sense of belonging.

The Black Student Union is a vital platform for African American students to celebrate their heritage, address issues pertinent to their community, and advocate for social justice. 

They meet once or twice monthly to catch up and discuss various topics. 

The BSU offers a sanctuary where they can share experiences, discuss concerns, and organize projects. By fostering dialogue and awareness, the BSU cultivates empathy and solidarity among students of all backgrounds, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and equitable school culture.

"This was my first year with BSU, and so far, I've found it really enjoyable. I've connected with a lot of my peers and been able to discuss things with like-minded people," Sophia Ronsholdt ('25) explained.

Similarly, the Female Empowerment Club plays a crucial role in addressing gender inequality and empowering young women to become leaders and change-makers. In a world where gender stereotypes and discrimination persist, high school girls often face unique challenges in pursuing their aspirations. 

They have headwayed several projects, including a donation drive to provide homeless women with menstrual products.

The Female Empowerment Club provides a supportive community where girls can find mentorship, access resources, and engage in discussions about gender issues. 

"I've gone to all the meetings, and they are all really fun. It's great getting to connect with girls I might never talk to otherwise," said Daniela Reyes, member of Female Empowerment Club. "I've made a lot of friends and been able to compare experiences as a girl."

Moreover, both the BSU and Female Empowerment Club contribute to the broader goal of creating a more inclusive and welcoming school environment. 

By celebrating diversity and promoting understanding, these clubs help break down barriers between different racial, ethnic, and gender groups. 

They encourage students to embrace their identities proudly while fostering respect and appreciation for the experiences of others. 

"I really enjoyed hearing about other people's experiences. I look forward to all the meetings, and I encourage all my friends to go, too," Leila Cummings, a member of BSU, said.

In doing so, they lay the foundation for a school community where every individual feels valued, respected, and supported.

Furthermore, inclusive clubs like the BSU and Female Empowerment Club play a crucial role in preparing students for the realities of the world beyond high school. In an increasingly diverse and interconnected society, navigating differences and working collaboratively with individuals from diverse backgrounds is essential.

By providing opportunities for students to engage in cross-cultural dialogue, collaborate on projects, and organize events, these clubs help develop crucial skills such as empathy, communication, and leadership-- all invaluable qualities in academic and professional settings.

Inclusive clubs like the Black Student Union and Female Empowerment Club are not just extracurricular activities but essential facets of a vibrant and inclusive school community that offers safe spaces for marginalized students to find support, advocacy, and empowerment. 

Furthermore, these clubs contribute to a more equitable and welcoming school environment, and they are vital in preparing students to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world where understanding, empathy, and solidarity are more important than ever.

Allie Medina

Allie Medina is a Colonial Forge junior and editor of their school newspaper, Talon Online News. Outside of writing, she plays for the Varsity soccer team. She also is co-founder and vice president of Forge’s Female Empowerment Club, which works to provide a platform for women-based acts of service.


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