How to Capture the Perfect Memory

In a few weeks your social feeds will be filled with joyful images from proud parents of graduating seniors. If your senior is graduating, don't forget to get in the picture! My son graduated with the class of 2022, and I was so caught up in the emotion and joy of the day that I didn't have anyone get an image of the four of us together on that day. I'm a photographer by profession, how could I miss that? Because I'm a mom first. That day was all about him, and it was easy for me to drop the ball on those family images. It happens to us all, but this is a reminder to take a moment that day. 

There's usually one family member that does ALL of the photos of everyday life, holidays, special trips. Who is it for your family? Now ask yourself this, how many photos is that person in? I'm guessing that the person reading this is the primary family photo taker. Enjoy the moment. Be in the moment. And be IN the photos. Let uncles, aunts, or friends be in charge of capturing your family images on graduation day. Ask them in advance to do it for you, so you can give them an idea of what images are most important to you. They will be honored to be the family photographer for the day. 

Of course, you're going to want these images to stand out when you post them. Clothing will make or break a photo, even a cell phone photo. Try to get everyone in outfits that don't clash. Start with a solid color. If you can match the graduating senior's gown, even better. Plan the outfits a week or two out. Tans, dark blues, blacks and greys, maroons. Type into google "coordinating colors for family pictures" and click on images. So. Many. Options! 

The day of, after your graduate has crossed the stage, try to find spot at the ceremony that isn't too cluttered, the background filled with greens, trees, etc. If you are in bright sunlight, try to find a shade, perhaps beside the building. Set up your family about 5 feet in front of the trees, bushes, or building so that there's some separation between you and the background. Don't be afraid to use your flash if you are in a low light situation. The flash will fill in shadows. Without a flash, sometimes eyes can look sunken in, and too dark. My recommendation: have a photo taken with the flash, then without, so that you can choose which you prefer. 
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Karen Presecan Photography

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."- Pablo Picasso My greatest accomplishment in photography is achieving my Master Photographer degree from PPA (Professional Photographers of America) in 2019 as well as becoming one of Stafford's only Certified Professional Photographers. I've been a member of PPA since 2011 and VPPA since 2014, where I receive training and mentorship to perfect techniques in lighting, posing and post processing. I evolve often, changing my style and vision for my art. One thing stays consistent: Simplicity. I like clean lines and minimal props and strive to bring my clients a classic style of portraiture. Please contact me for specific information on your session!

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A Creative Eye and a Passion for Photography