A Focus on Mentoring Our Youth

Parents and Teachers, what an incredible role we have! As we emerge into the 2024-2025 school year, may we focus on one of life's most important callings: mentoring the youth in our paths. Our mission field is the youth in our community, on our school campuses, and around our dinner tables. There is no greater way to impact our future. Here are some tangible ways to mentor:


Share knowledge and experiences.

Everyone is a teacher. We all have truths from life, trade, education, and trials to impart. However, mentoring is more than just sharing what we know; it is about inspiring change. It uses what we have and allows others to use it as a springboard to go further.


Model what is expected of others.

A good mentor will always display the character, patterns, and behavior of what is expected in those they lead. A mentor is not perfect, but even in failures, good mentors display how to recover, correct, and try again. Good mentors are servant leaders. They display the ability to both follow and lead. Youth flourish when they serve or participate alongside someone they admire, whether a coach, teacher, parent, or older sibling. The mentor's goal is always to be a better example to those who follow.


Verbalize that you care and show it. 

One of the most valuable gifts we can give another is encouragement. Former President Theodore Roosevelt stated, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." Love and genuine care are the optimal climate for growth. Praise improvements, not perfection. Express your desire for growth and what is best for your mentees. Speaking truth into the lives of youth and mentioning strengths will lift any weary soul. Our young people are in dire need of this today.


Give your time.

Nothing says that you care more than T.I.M.E. Time is one of life's most valuable and limited resources. It demands prioritization and careful thought of its investment. Our youth probably need our time more than anything else. They need time for us to listen, not just to their words but to their hearts. Giving this precious gift shows love and respect. 


Launch into this school year as a mentor, giving our youth hope and significance. Share your knowledge, good example, time, and encouragement. Our future depends on it!


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