Mountain View High School: Behind the Curtain

The play at Mountain View High School, Something Rotten, was undoubtedly worth observing. The Mountain View's theater department put on an outstanding production this April!

Something Rotten is about the Bottom Brothers, Nick and Nigel, who aim to find success in writing plays while trying to outwrite famous playwright William Shakespeare. While trying to succeed in playwriting, they go to see a soothsayer who will predict Shakespeare's next play.

When asked why he chose this play, director Josh King said, "Last year's play was highly successful with our production of Les Misérables, but it was a very serious play, and this play was the complete polar opposite. We didn't want a show that would compare the two whatsoever. We were looking for something challenging, and this play, "Something Rotten," came up."

"We stumbled upon Something Rotten, and there was a defining scene where the main character goes to a soothsayer, and she says the entertainment of the world would be musicals," he explained. "It was the perfect choice."

The production started in late November with auditions and additional callbacks. The students and staff of this production spent countless hours rehearsing and preparing for opening.

That said, everyone involved in the production works like a well-oiled machine, each working together to benefit the other rather than one-on-one.

Eric Hokanson, the tech theater teacher, is also the tech theater director for Mountain View High School productions. He has been a part of the school's staff and theater team since it opened.

He refers to himself as a "trusty pair of pants."

"You don't know where you got them, but they're your favorite, and you love them," he explained. And the cast and crew couldn't agree more.

As the tech theater teacher, he is a major component of the school's collaboration and teamwork for these productions. He works with various groups, including the Orchestra director, The Pit, and the Artistic director. He explains that ¨The musicals are the wonderful products of all of the school's performing arts," which is something that he really enjoys because everyone is able to collaborate and work together.

Mr. Hokanson says what he loves most about his job is the effort put forth.

"Many people don't realize how much work goes into it," he explained. "They see the result, and the end result seems magical to them. Also, with the very nature of musicals, people are often just breaking into spontaneous song and dance; they don't see the incredible hours of hard work. As a team, we were able to take a thought from our head that hundreds of people are able to enjoy. It allows us to impact so many people's lives, even if it's just for a short amount of time."

The individuals behind this play are genuine and dedicated, and they aim to evoke emotions in you as you witness the production.

One of the main characters, Portia, played by Nora Holowko, explains that the goal of musicals is being able to give the audience an escape:

"Rather than making them laugh or cry, to make them feel something when they leave their seat and go home, they're still thinking of how the play made them feel."

The cast and crew of this production are truly extraordinary, from the exceptional directors to the committed students who invest countless hours of effort and time. Their dedication ensures that the audience is left with the lingering thoughts of the play for hours and days to come.

The talented actors flawlessly executed the director's vision, pouring their hearts and souls into their performances. The crew members worked behind the scenes and in front of the curtain to create a visually stunning and immersive experience for the audience. Together, they made a production that had a lasting impact on all who witnessed it.

Tayler Tanks

Tayler Tanks is currently a junior honors student at Mountain View High School. She boasts a 4.0 GPA and is extremely active in the Stafford community. She plans to become a lawyer after high school and is excited to bring readers of Stafford Living the highlights about Mountain View.


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