Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024! If you read December's issue, then you already know that I am a huge fan of glitter. What better way to welcome the New Year than with a little bit of sparkle? 


Plastic shot glasses 

1 cup of your choice of champagne.

1 cup of ginger ale 

1 tablespoon of granulated sugar

2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin

Edible glitter 



  1. Line your plastic show glasses in a baking pan. 

  2. In a medium saucepan, add the champagne, the granulated sugar, and the gelatin; however, do not mix. Allow it to bloom for 3 minutes. 

  3. After 3 minutes, mix the ingredients until the gelatin is fully dissolved; do not let it come to a boil. 

  4. Remove from the heat and add the ginger ale. 

  5. Once the fizzing stops, pour into the plastic cups.

  6. Place the pan in the fridge for 3 hours. 

  7. Garnish with edible glitter on top. 

Liz Hensel - Content Coordinator

Liz has been living in the Stafford area for the last two years. However, her ties are rooted to Virginia, as Virginia was her first duty station while she was on active duty with the Marine Corps. Her husband is still on active duty, and they hope to make Stafford their forever home with their two daughters and two rescue dogs.

While serving in the Marine Corps and Marine Corps reserves has allowed Liz to see all parts of the country and the world, there is truly no place like home. Working on this magazine gives Liz the opportunity to meet her neighbors and the local businesses and more importantly, she gets to showcase them to others.

Liz is also the founder of a nonprofit called Leave No Paws Behind USA. She led the campaign to have legislative change to include pet transportation fees included in military moves. With her leadership, the bill was passed in the FY23 National Defense Appropriation Act.

Liz is excited to continue to write the stories of the FXBG Neighbors


Recipe Corner: Chicken Parmesan Soup


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