North Nation Takes on Student Employment

Students at North have been spending their summer either on vacation, practicing sports, relaxing, or, in this case, being employed. Plenty of students at North Stafford have jobs throughout the year and a summer job. As we get ready to start the new year, rising juniors and seniors might want to consider a summer job as well.

Vaniya Ahmad, a 2024 graduate, encourages high schoolers to get a summer job at North. She has been working as a barista for almost a year.

"A summer job is something I would recommend because, with all of the difficulty that comes with school, especially your senior year, it's nice to be able to save up money to get or do something that you like every once in a while. For some people, this is saving up for a car, and for others, it might be saving up luxury items." Vaniya continued by talking about what she enjoys most about her job-- "experimenting with different drinks"-- and how she managed work and school since she decided to work throughout the school year.

"During my senior year, I was able to do early release. So I would just manage my time that way since I could have a few hours before work to do schoolwork or just chill."

Other students, like Ashlena Oti-Boateng, decided to start their own businesses. A rising senior, Ashlena runs her own hairstyling business specializing in hair braiding.

"I have been braiding hair for two years now. I started braiding my own hair in the summer of '22 and recently started braiding hair for others about five or six months ago."

Ashlena intends on working during school as well. "Going back to school, I plan on building my clientele and hopefully building my network with hair braiding; I plan on working during school for extra money since when I go back, I will be a senior, which is quite expensive."

Senior year tends to be expensive, with all of the different events leading up to graduation. Ashlena encourages others to get a summer job so they can save money and do something that brings them peace and happiness.

"I enjoy braiding hair a lot. It helps me stay at peace, and while I braid hair, I genuinely feel happy." She also talked about how her job will help her build connections and mentioned how she's changed since starting her endeavor.

"I feel as if starting your own business is a hassle and definitely requires discipline, so I'd say [I've become more] disciplined."

A summer job or a job during school is a good idea because it can bring you joy and help you build connections with your peers. A job can also help you pay for the many expenses that come with school or even just have the money to treat yourself every once in a while. If you're a student who is 16 or older, I recommend getting a summer job.

Nora Ahmad

Nora Ahmad, currently in her junior year at North Stafford High School, is involved with the school's DECA Club and the Book Buddy program. She harbors a strong interest in literature, journalism, business, and writing. Nora aspires to achieve her dream of becoming a published author one day.


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