Lights, Camera, Action!: Riverbend's Rendition of The Complete History of America Abridged

Each spring, the Riverbend drama department puts on a production, either a play or musical, for the local RHS community. This year, the department chose to perform a magnificent rendition of The Complete History of America Abridged by Titchenor, Martin, and Long. This comedic retelling of United States history begins with the discovery of America and spans all the way to the present day. The production was filled with humor and was sure to make the audience laugh throughout the 90-minute performance. 

Head of the drama department, Kelly Cresswell, said, "My favorite part of this production is the creativity the actors may express by playing a variety of different roles." She went on to explain that she chooses each year's production based on the current talent of the Riverbend Drama Department and the budget. Cresswell has been a teacher and director at RHS for 20 years. 

"Twenty years ago, we did not have one set piece, prop, or costume. We started from the ground up. I'm very proud of what we've been able to build," said Cresswell. It is true; the drama department has undoubtedly grown as talent for captivating performances keeps flooding Riverbend with each coming year.

One of the student directors of the production, Triniti Petway, said, "It is amazing seeing this play come together with the props, lights, and sound effects. I love seeing everyone's hard work pay off and their excitement to perform!" As student director, Petway played a significant role, as Mrs. Creswell assigned her multiple scenes, which she directed by herself. This means she served as both a teacher and a role model for the performers, blocking off, choreographing, and directing her assigned scenes. 

For a production to come together, each actor, stage crew member, and director must work hours upon hours to perfect the performance. With all of this shared hard work and time spent together, the bonds between these students certainly do flourish during this time. 

Each student agreed that the theater environment is a close and wholesome place to be. Performer Audrey Sieck said, "The community and the environment that has been created is absolutely fantastic. Everyone is so kind and all around lovely to be with." Another performer, Marley Hancock, said, "My favorite part is probably how we all can goof off together but then can get back to working when we need to. Everyone creates an environment where you can be yourself and not feel judged."

Another aspect many of the performers seemed to agree on was their favorite part of the production: the scene where two characters ride a motorcycle to Berlin, Germany, and get splashed with water and pied in the face. 

"It is a hilarious scene that I always find myself enjoying," Sieck said. Petway added that she likes the scene because "there are a lot of things being thrown on Spade– water, confetti, spaghetti."

Ultimately, seeing the production come together was terrific for the audience and performers. 

"Seeing a production come together is nothing short of rewarding," Hancock concluded. "You and your teammates are working so hard and putting so many hours into this that when it's ready, it's amazing."

Julia Pesnell

Julia Pesnell is a junior at Riverbend High School. She is a student of the Commonwealth Governor’s and serves as the Riverbend Junior Class President. Julia also runs cross country and track for the Riverbend High School team. She holds the position of committee executive for the Spanish Honor Society and is a class representative for their chapter of HOSA. Beyond her leadership roles, Julia is actively involved in community service and is a member of the National English Honor Society.


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