Empowering Mothers Through Fitness: A Spotlight on S.L.A.M. Quantico

Mommin’ ain’t easy. In the time of social media, where everyone has an opinion of what moms should be doing, how they should be parenting, and the constant barrage of unwanted criticism and critiques, it’s refreshing to find a supportive community of moms. That uplifting, fitness-focused group for many mothers, rookies and veterans alike, is Sweat Like a Mother (S.L.A.M.). Lyndsay Woods, a certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach and an AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, owns and operates S.L.A.M. Quantico, finding her calling in combining her love for fitness and motherhood. 

Founded in 2019, S.L.A.M. Quantico offers moms a unique and challenging total-body workout, but they also provide that elusive “village” that it takes to raise children. Lyndsay’s mission extends beyond a workout group; it’s about providing support for their members, who they fondly call their SLAMily. 

“Our overarching mission is to bring women together not only as moms, but also as athletes who show their children that their bodies are the greatest instruments they will ever own,” explained Woods, who began her S.L.A.M. journey in August 2021, when her family moved to Stafford. All of their classes are stroller-friendly, so moms can bring their tiniest offspring along to get a good sweat in without the worry, stress, and financial hardship of arranging childcare. 

“We provide moms with a community of support to [not only] empower them through their fitness journey, but also through motherhood. We are so much more than ‘just a mom workout group,’” she added. “With our weekly playgroups, monthly book club and Mom’s Night Out events, family days, field trips, and charity work, we strive to create a modern-day village for our members.”

The supportive community allows moms to prioritize self-love and fitness, and they are encouraged to “come as they are” because “ALL mothers are athletes!” she emphasized. The group has become a “game-changer” for many, offering physical benefits, increased confidence, and a supportive community. 

More than the physical benefits of working out, Sarah mentioned the “increased confidence” and community relationships: “These are the women I lean on. We are all different, but there is no judgment. The workouts are meant to meet us where we are, and we are all there to support and motivate one another,” she said, adding she’s also thankful to be a part of “this amazing group and for the friendships my daughter is creating as well.”

Morgan agreed, “For me, S.L.A.M. is that little bit of self-love that I show myself every week! Being a mom is the best job I could have ever dreamed of, but unlike other jobs, you never clock out, and it's down right HARD! Finding S.L.A.M. early on in my postpartum journey was a godsend.” She credits the group with helping her make that time “to better myself, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.” 

The variety of classes, themed events, and community engagement keep each day exciting and fun. Beyond that, others mentioned the benefits of additional relationships and friends, as Courtney explained: 

“I found S.L.A.M. during a season in my life when I was struggling with loneliness and acceptance. As an adult, it is harder to find and maintain relationships. When I did the trial classes for S.L.A.M., I was immediately accepted into this amazing group and treated like a treasured friend. Everyone welcomed me into the group with open arms, and now I could not imagine my life without this wonderful group of friends.”

And that’s exactly what Lyndsay envisioned. As a military spouse residing in Stafford with two young sons, a husband, and a dog, Lyndsay finds solace, balance, and an outlet through S.L.A.M. through this season of her life, and she hopes the group will do the same for you. 

If you’re looking for a great group of friends with the added benefit of a whole-body workout, check out S.L.A.M. Quantico, or follow them on Facebook page (@slamquantico), Instagram page (@s.l.a.m.quantico), or website (www.sweatlikeamother.com/Quantico) for more information. Lyndsay emphasized that you “do not have to be affiliated with the military to join us!” They have members with and without military affiliations who live as far north as Woodbridge and south as Fredericksburg. She added that the classes are “created for ALL fitness levels, including the pregnant and postpartum population,” but everyone– mother or not– is welcome to join for a free trial, too.  

Join the SLAMily and experience the power of fitness, support, and camaraderie for yourself. 

Mallory Hardgrove

Mallory is a former teacher and coach turned freelancer, deciding to pivot her career when her husband's military career took their family to Italy. She has since begun a career in digital marketing where she enjoys blogging, writing copy, and designing new, creative ads to catch the attention of client’s respective audiences.

Since returning to the States and settling down in Stafford, she's added a few other projects to her plate, including her new role as the content coordinator for Stafford Living and Neighbors of Chancellorsville. As a former sports editor of her college newspaper and high school yearbook editor-in-chief, she's enjoying being "back in the saddle" of local journalism. 

When she’s not working, she can be found controlling the chaos of her #girlmom and #armyspouse life, playing referee, mediator, and short-order cook; planning her next European adventure and reminiscing about her #ladolcevita life; reading the next novel on her TBR list; or cuddling with her 90-pound furbaby, Murray.


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