Summer in Retrospect at Riverbend High School

Summer is a highly anticipated season for most students, as it is a time for fun and relaxation. Many RHS students are rather active throughout the summer, involved in athletics, academic activities, community service, and many other unique activities. These students use the summer to extend their passions, talents, and knowledge and to work unwaveringly toward their future. 

Senior Sofia Alfaro didn't slow down much this summer, as she was involved in FBLA 一 Future Business Leaders of America一 nationals, held in Orlando, Florida. The select group of qualifying students from RHS flew out for a five-day trip full of conferences, ceremonies, and competitions. Alfaro competed in the business category of "Ad Advertising." The group also took a trip to SeaWorld and Universal Studios. Alfaro says, "I got to ride a lot of rides there… and then I got an enormous, and I mean, enormous, hotdog."

As far as hobby activities, Alfaro says, "I went tubing, and thrift shopping, and to the movies." She continues, "My favorite thing I've done is probably going to see the musical Beetlejuice." Alfaro holds a huge interest in musicals, and she explains that she has been listening to the music from Beetlejuice for a few years now, which made the performance even better. Alfaro says, "The choreography was pretty great, especially when all of the Beetlejuice clones came in." She continues, "It was pretty nice to see Beetlejuice and… I went with a friend, which is always great to have someone else who also has an appreciation for the musical."

On another note, sophomore Ethan Hacking focussed much of his summer dedication on his sport: running. Hacking says, "I have spent a lot of the summer at running camps in North Carolina and Utah." Hacking is an integral part of the boys varsity track and cross country teams of RHS, and he trains hard to maintain his status as one of the team's top runners. Hacking continues, "My favorite thing this summer I've done is being able to run and learn with people who are at an elite running level." Hacking was also able to spend a week in Canada with his family, and he says, "My favorite part was ziplining and white river rafting with my family."

With all of summer's fun, it can often be sad as the season begins to wind down and students have to prepare for school. In these first months of school, it is important to start strong and keep in mind any aspects of the new school year that you look forward to.

Alfaro is specifically looking forward to her anatomy and physiology class. Alfaro explains, "I'd like to explore more because I want to go to medical school, so I feel like it will be important for that." 

Hacking says, "I'm most looking forward to being able to spend a lot of time with my friends in school."

Julia Pesnell

Julia Pesnell is a junior at Riverbend High School. She is a student of the Commonwealth Governor’s and serves as the Riverbend Junior Class President. Julia also runs cross country and track for the Riverbend High School team. She holds the position of committee executive for the Spanish Honor Society and is a class representative for their chapter of HOSA. Beyond her leadership roles, Julia is actively involved in community service and is a member of the National English Honor Society.


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