Riverbend’s Women of the Future

The Empowering Young Women’s club at Riverbend High School is a club for young women, and supporters of young women. The purpose of the club is to advocate for the intelligence and importance of up and coming girls in our community. President of the club, Allie Griffin, describes the club saying, “It allows there to be a community and support system for young women at RHS.”

The club is a space where the members gather to participate in activities and to motivate and support each other. They participate in fun opportunities during club meetings, out in the school, and in the community. 

Club meetings are bi-weekly and the schedule ranges from games to guest speakers to crafty activities. Local influential and inspiring women are often invited to speak to the club members, encouraging them and leading them on the path to excel in their future. 

Currently the members of the club are working to create personality boards that include photos of things they love, and details that describe them. The purpose of this activity is to introduce everyone to the club and create a sense of community, through getting to know each other better. 

Another big activity for the club is the homecoming tailgate. The theme for the homecoming tailgate is always “pink out” for Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the Empowering Young Women booth goes all out! This is a great way for the club to interact with other students at Riverbend by holding contests at their booth, and finding new students that may be interested in joining the club. 

Last year, Riverbend held a school-wide tailgate booth competition during the homecoming tailgate, and the Empowering Young Women club’s booth came out on top, winning a cash prize that they were able to use to further their community involvement. 

This year the club has aspiring and most definitely achievable goals in means of helping in the community. Through their passion for wanting to inspire young women and their hard work, they want to hold fundraising events for local women’s shelters and host a recurring event with young girls at local elementary schools. They want to go to these schools and read picture books that relay positive messages to young girls and then have activities corresponding to the books. Griffin comments about the activity saying, “This is to promote self-love from a young age.”

The club all-around creates a positive environment founded on the core values of empowerment and inclusivity. When asked about the values, Griffin responds, “We want to provide support, inspiration, and encouragement. Our main goal is to educate and uplift women around us!” 

Overall, the club helps to build women up for the future. Many of the club members want to go into male dominated fields after high school, so a big focus of the club is encouraging them in that aspect, helping them to remember that they can do anything if they put their mind to it. 

“We love uplifting one another!” comments club president, Allie Griffin. 

Julia Pesnell

Julia Pesnell is a junior at Riverbend High School. She is a student of the Commonwealth Governor’s and serves as the Riverbend Junior Class President. Julia also runs cross country and track for the Riverbend High School team. She holds the position of committee executive for the Spanish Honor Society and is a class representative for their chapter of HOSA. Beyond her leadership roles, Julia is actively involved in community service and is a member of the National English Honor Society.


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