Parents Education Corner: Awards, Rewards, and Recognition: Do They Matter?
The Super Bowl attracts even those who aren’t typically fans of football. The Olympics brings together people from across the globe to watch the world’s best athletes compete. The Spelling Bee captures the attention of a national audience each year, cheering on the top spellers. Yet, when it comes to K-12 awards and recognition, opinions are divided. It’s often baffling to me how some dismiss the concept of "every kid getting a trophy." From my perspective, if effort is invested and goals are achieved, then everyone who reaches that goal should be acknowledged with an award, reward, or recognition.
I recall when our children were infants, celebrating milestones like talking and walking. We encouraged them with praise, motivating them to keep progressing toward their goals of communication and movement. In the corporate world, employees are often recognized with trophies, certificates, bonuses, trips, and more. Our society is built on recognition. Whether or not you're motivated by awards, learning how to navigate the benefits and drawbacks of this system is a valuable skill.
Lessons Learned from Awards Ceremonies:
What skills or achievements are worthy of recognition
How to cheer on friends and colleagues
How to be a gracious recipient of recognition
How to set and pursue intentional personal or professional goals
Consider the numerous opportunities for recognition available in a student’s educational journey, as well as the educators and staff who support them. For more information, visit Stafford County Public Schools (SCPS) at, or inquire at your local school division or school site.
Some Notable Awards and Recognition Opportunities:
Principal’s Award
President’s Award
Student of the Month
National Honor Society
Junior National Honor Society
Teacher of the Year
Counselor of the Year
Principal of the Year
Superintendent of the Year
Championship Team
First District All-League
The Governor’s Seal on the Advanced Diploma
The Virginia Board of Education Seal
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Seal
Seal of Biliteracy
Seal of Excellence in Civics Education
The key takeaway is to stay informed about the awards and recognition opportunities available. You can’t aim for a goal you don’t know exists. Even if you miss the target, at least you’ll know there was one.
"People work for money, but go the extra mile for recognition, praise, and rewards."
~ Dale Carnegie