A Woman Who Braves The Dark
I sometimes consider myself a strong woman—a mother of nine, including giving birth to twins, twice. I have lived in two different parts of Africa. I have been at home with my children when someone tried to break in. I was medically evacuated out of the jungles of Cameroon for tropical illness. I have homeschooled and taught high school science at a local Christian school. I work alongside my husband in our business. I have had many struggles and hardships, some too painful to put to paper. I have tasted both victory and defeat. At times, I find myself lacking strength and I desire to grow into a woman who braves the dark. What qualities does a woman of fierce resilience possess?
Integrity and Discernment
An honorable woman has deep faith and integrity. She is wise and exhibits discernment in decision-making. She speaks with wisdom and kindness. She looks beyond her present in the hope of a better tomorrow.
Diligence and Determination
A determined woman works with diligence. She looks after her household and willingly gives herself to her family and those she leads. She has a relentless drive to invest in others and to grow despite obstacles. She delays today’s gratification for tomorrow’s victories.
Influence and Leadership
An inspiring woman influences others intentionally. She leads with compassion, understanding, and empathy for the hardships others face. She has a positive impact on family, business, and community. She encourages others and mentors by example. She views failure as a starting point and obstacles as opportunities.
Grace and Humility
A gracious woman exemplifies humility and is willing to forgive wrongs. She realizes that she, too, wrongs others at times, and she never forgets where she came from. She knows how to maintain peace and exhibits a merciful spirit. A strong woman shows compassion and care for others.
Courage in Adversity
A valiant woman endures steadily in the face of trials. Displaying strength, she continues faithfully on her path. She shows courage and boldness. She displays fortitude and continues for those she loves while being a pathfinder for all who come into contact with her.
I have looked into women's eyes worldwide: Africa, Europe, Asia, and the United States. I have seen them laugh, endure sorrows, raise children, and passionately love their families. What makes that special type of woman, the strong woman? The woman who faces trial after trial yet still morphs into this beautiful, resilient pillar of grace and truth? Strong women embrace their identity as ones who brave dark times, obstacles, illnesses, injustices, and heartache with inner, supernatural strength. May we, as fellow women, encourage each other to continue growing, leading, and offering hope.