Restaurant Review: Bella Cucina of the Lake

Bella Cucina of the Lake is more than a restaurant. It's a gathering place for family, friends, and conversation. 

Mauricio opened up Bella Cucina in 2019 with his wife, Anna Mata. The restaurant is a family business. Anna "manages the business and keeps me in line," he laughed. She is also responsible for their beautiful website. The couple has three boys, and they all have special birthdays. Anthony (12) was born one day before Mauricio's birthday, Oliver (9) was born on Christmas Day, and Mauricio Jr. (7) was born on Father's Day. 

As you can imagine, the family is quite busy with the restaurant, but they enjoy riding horses and four-wheelers on their farm when they get the chance. Mauricio says that all the boys have their interests, but he thinks Oliver is the one who will most likely take over the family business when he's older. 

Mauricio said, "I used to work for Macaroni Grill as a sous chef," so he knew authentic Italian dishes– or at least Italian-American dishes and he saw the growth opportunity. 

"There aren't many options around here," Mauricio said. "So I started the Italian restaurant to give people more variety and choices."

"I feel like everybody here is like my family," Mauricio said of the work environment. 

Both the Mexican side and Italian side offer a comfortable environment for patrons. 

"It gives people a place to come and talk," Mauricio said. If you've ever been to Italy, you know that many places close mid-day for riposo (nap/rest time) and have limited hours in the afternoon, so having an Italian restaurant open for breakfast is an even more significant anomaly. Again, though, showing his business savvy, Mauricio saw the need. "There aren't a lot of choices around here. People need a place for a nice breakfast," he said. 

Mauricio credited his landlord for being understanding during the pandemic. To stay afloat, the restaurant shifted from in-person to deliveries via DoorDash. He also credits the community for their patronage. "I am so grateful to everyone and want to thank everyone for their support during those difficult times," he said. 

When he saw the light at the end of the tunnel with COVID-19, however, he returned to his own heritage and added the Mexican side in 2023. "We have many loyal customers and friends, and I thank them," Mauricio said. 

Patrons can enjoy Happy Hour and various lunch specials on either side (Mexican or Italian). 

If you want Mauricio's favorites, try the pork carnitas or the pollo con chorizo, and add the peach margarita if you're in the mood for a drink. On the Italian side, the house special for pizza is his favorite, and he also has a glass of La Bolla Chianti to wash it down.

But beyond the delicious food, what truly sets Bella Cucina apart is the sense of belonging it fosters. Here, guests aren't just customers; they're extended family members. Stop by, enjoy great food, and become part of the family. 

Mallory Hardgrove

Mallory is a former teacher and coach turned freelancer, deciding to pivot her career when her husband's military career took their family to Italy. She has since begun a career in digital marketing where she enjoys blogging, writing copy, and designing new, creative ads to catch the attention of client’s respective audiences.

Since returning to the States and settling down in Stafford, she's added a few other projects to her plate, including her new role as the content coordinator for Stafford Living and Neighbors of Chancellorsville. As a former sports editor of her college newspaper and high school yearbook editor-in-chief, she's enjoying being "back in the saddle" of local journalism. 

When she’s not working, she can be found controlling the chaos of her #girlmom and #armyspouse life, playing referee, mediator, and short-order cook; planning her next European adventure and reminiscing about her #ladolcevita life; reading the next novel on her TBR list; or cuddling with her 90-pound furbaby, Murray.


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