The Gift of Home

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Home Improvement?” Does it bring a smile with thoughts of endless possibilities to new heights and high hopes, or does it usher in a cringe with visions of an ongoing and expensive “to-do” list? Whatever your reaction, it’s time we look at this topic from a fresh vantage point. Our homes are more than a habitat and much more than a showcase. Our homes are our gathering place, our growing place, our place to connect, rejuvenate, and thrive. No matter the family size, culture, life stage, or circumstance, we must return to nurturing our homes. We must see it as a vessel of something far more valuable than brick and mortar. Home needs to become our happy place again. Not just for ourselves to enjoy but also as a place to share with others. 

Where should we begin when we think of making this “gift” to ourselves and others come alive? Is it a newly constructed deck or wrap-around porch where family and friends play games and grill? New siding boasts an inviting color that draws you in and welcomes you home. Would it be a quiet refuge of an edition for a reading room with warm sunbeams dancing through the window panes? A finished basement with a guest bathroom and bedroom would bless all who stay with you. They would never forget a home away from home. Would your kitchen be where memories are made, and tastes savored? Intimate lighting and an inviting fireplace go a long way for relaxation. A lush carpet to bury your toes and earthy hardwood for your furry friend to scamper. Do you desire a primary bedroom that would go beyond your wildest dreams? It all comes down to what is essential to you. This is your space, your story to create, and with endless inspiration and finite funds, you must define and prioritize your goals.

Once your ambitions are defined and arranged in a hierarchy of absolute wants and dire necessities, look at what can be done now and what might need to wait until later. Shop around and start pricing different companies for the upgrades you long for and the space you need. It is fantastic to get a good deal, but you can’t put a price tag on quality products, excellent craftsmanship, and having done it right the first time. Plan your work and work your plan, but don’t forget to enjoy your current home while dreaming about the look and atmosphere you desire to obtain. During the planning stage, evaluate your living and storage areas and declutter. This assessment of the value of objects we are attached to may be a purging of the soul more than it is of possession. This process will revitalize you and your home. Posting a few more oversized items for sale that no longer match your style or life stage may contribute towards the renovation budget. 

Get to know your personal style, not just what the latest home designer or influencer thinks is captivating, but what says, “This is me; come and experience me and stay awhile.” Begin collecting a portfolio of ideas and samples of key pieces. Take photos and capture the process. Great joy comes from progress, not perfection. Behind each change is a tale. What or who sparked your inspiration? Who helped you select the right paint tone, and what adjustments can be made in the future? Ideas will continue to evolve during the process. Let others catch a glimpse of your renovation story. Share your ideas, spark interest in others, and invite collaboration. A knowledgeable sales associate or design specialist, like the team members in our showroom at NK Floors, can accompany you. Allowing others in on the journey may make your ending point more beautiful and meaningful. 

If you aspire to unwrap your gift of a home or improve, restore, or embellish the one you have, you can do so with excitement! Home improvement is treating yourself to new experiences, relationships, and connections with those you love the most. Our homes are more than buildings and material things. They are who we are. Start small, dream big! The gift of home is waiting!


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