Strength, Resilience, and Hope: Shirley Von Raesfeld, Breast Cancer Survivor

My name is Shirley Von Raesfeld and I am a Breast Cancer Survivor! I am a wife, mother to two beautiful girls, a bonus mom to two beautiful girls, and a grandmother of three. My husband and I are originally from Oklahoma, but like many military families, the Marine Corps has taken us coast to coast all over the United States. We are currently stationed at Quantico, VA.

Shortly after my 36th birthday I found a bump in my armpit. My gynecologist said “it’s probably nothing but let's be safe.” She immediately ordered a mammogram, ultrasound, followed by biopsies. 

On October 22, 2019 my phone rang, I put it on speaker  “This is Shirley” “Shirley it is definitely cancer!” said the doctor on the other line.

The oncologist laid everything out. 

  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,

  • stage 3

  • grade 3 

  • ER/PR+

  •  Her2-.

Chemo and radiation were a must. A breast surgeon went over surgical options. I told her “Just make me as flat as possible.” It was easier, more convenient, it gave me my best chance at survival.

On November 21, 2019, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy. My first chemo treatment started on December 19th . I had 4 DDAC treatments, and 4 DDTaxol treatments. My last chemo treatment was on March 28th 2020. On April 22nd , I received my 1 st of 34 radiation treatments.

Since my cancer was 93% hormone driven, I made the choice to remove both my ovaries helping in reducing risk of recurrence. In addition I take an AI Inhibitor daily to also assist in reducing my risk of recurrence.

I am currently in No Evidence of Disease (NED). Though some days are better than others, I am still here with my family. I play kickball with the Marine Corps Kickball Association on Quantico, I work, and I talk about my story to bring awareness. Like hundreds of women I never thought it would happen to me. But it did. 

A big resource during my treatment was the Breast Cancer Fighters and Survivors of Oklahoma. Here, in Virginia I’ve become great friends with Christina Miner, the host of Our Scars Speak. Fight for your body, a YouTube hosted show to support survivors. 

My biggest advice for anyone who is going through any stages of breast cancer is to advocate for your body. You’re the only voice it has.


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