Fur-Get-Me-Not: Helping Pets Thrive During the Back-to-School Transition

As families gear up for the new school year, it's crucial to remember our furry companions who also feel the impact of changing routines. Our beloved dogs and cats experience stress during this transition, making it essential to consider their well-being alongside our own preparations.


Establish New Routines

Just like children, pets thrive on routine. Establish a consistent schedule for feeding, bathroom breaks, walks, playtime, and bedtime to provide stability and a sense of security. Predictability alleviates anxiety and smooths the transition to the new schedule.


Prioritize Exercise and Socialization

Regular exercise and social interaction are vital for physical and emotional health and preventing obesity and destructive behaviors. Dogs need daily walks and play sessions that stimulate their minds and bodies. When appropriate, consider arranging supervised playdates with other dogs.


Cats need physical activity, too! To satisfy their natural instincts, provide climbing structures, scratching posts, interactive toys, and activities that mimic hunting, like chasing laser pointers or feather toys. Some cats even enjoy supervised outdoor exploration on a harness and leash.


Create a Safe Haven

The hustle and bustle of the school year can overwhelm pets. Designate a quiet, comfortable space to retreat to when pets need solitude. Include favorite toys and a cozy bed, and use a pheromone diffuser, such as Feliway (cats) and Adaptil (dogs), to promote calmness and reduce anxiety. Secure trash bins and remove potential hazards to pet-proof the environment and prevent accidents or ingestion of harmful substances. 


Stimulate Their Minds

Combat boredom by introducing stimulating activities that challenge problem-solving skills. Treat-dispensing toys and puzzle feeders keep pets engaged, especially when home alone. In your absence, play soothing music or an animal-themed show for auditory stimulation.


Healthy Eating and Hydration

Proper nutrition is fundamental for everyone's health! Feed pets high-quality food appropriate for their age, size, and breed—ask your veterinarian for recommendations tailored to your pet's specific needs. Avoid table scraps and toxic foods, like xylitol (artificial sweetener), chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, grapes, and onions. Be sure your pet always has access to clean, fresh water to stay hydrated. 


Schedule A Health Check-Up

An annual physical exam with your veterinarian, along with vaccinations, preventive care for parasites, and routine screenings, are crucial for preventing and detecting health issues early on. Discuss concerns with your veterinarian and follow through with recommendations for maintaining your pet's health.


As you prepare for the upcoming school year, remember to prioritize your pets' needs as well. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can create a smooth transition and foster happiness and well-being throughout the year. Here's to a successful school year for all members of your family— two- and four-legged alike!


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