Green Living: Transforming Your Home into an Eco-Friendly Haven

Every new year, our family aims to make our home a little “greener.” Making your home green is not just a trend; it's a responsibility. Fortunately, creating an eco-friendly living space doesn't have to be a daunting task. Here are some practical and impactful ways to make your home more environmentally sustainable. 

Energy-Efficient Lighting:

Swap out traditional incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LED or CFL lights. These options not only use less energy but also last much longer, reducing the frequency of replacements.

Goodbye Plastic Bottles:

This was an easy change for us. I ordered a pack of 6 glass water bottles. I keep them filled and refrigerated for any time we have guests over.

Use Sustainable Materials:

When renovating or redecorating, opt for sustainable materials. Bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled metal are excellent choices. These materials not only look stylish but also have a lower environmental impact.

Replace Paper Towels with “Unpaper Towels”:

This was a bit challenging because I am a frequent Costco shopper who buys paper towels in bulk. So when I found out about “unpaper towels,” I was intrigued. Switching to unpaper towels reduces your waste, which benefits the environment. They cost less than traditional paper towels in the long run. They’re easy to maintain. They give your kitchen an added flair. 

Water Conservation:

Install low-flow faucets and showerheads to reduce water consumption. Additionally, fix any leaks promptly. Collect rainwater for watering plants, reducing your reliance on municipal water sources.

Energy-Efficient Appliances:

When it's time to replace appliances, look for the Energy Star label. Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity, helping to decrease your household's overall carbon footprint.

Create a Green Garden:

Plant native, drought-resistant species in your garden. This reduces the need for excessive watering and promotes biodiversity. Consider composting kitchen waste to create nutrient-rich soil.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Embrace the mantra of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Minimize single-use plastics, repurpose items when possible, and recycle materials like paper, glass, and plastic.

Natural Cleaning Products:

Swap out chemical-laden cleaning products for eco-friendly alternatives. Many household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be powerful and safe cleaners.

Unplug Electronics:

Electronics continue to draw power even when turned off. Combat "phantom power" by unplugging devices or using smart power strips that cut off power to inactive devices.

Educate and Involve Your Family:

Make green living a family affair. Educate your family members on the importance of sustainability and involve them in adopting eco-friendly practices at home.

You can transform your home into a green haven by incorporating these simple yet effective changes. Every small step contributes to a healthier planet, and collectively, these efforts make a significant impact on our environment. So, embark on the journey of green living and create a home that not only nurtures your family but also cares for the planet we all call home.

Liz Hensel - Content Coordinator

Liz has been living in the Stafford area for the last two years. However, her ties are rooted to Virginia, as Virginia was her first duty station while she was on active duty with the Marine Corps. Her husband is still on active duty, and they hope to make Stafford their forever home with their two daughters and two rescue dogs.

While serving in the Marine Corps and Marine Corps reserves has allowed Liz to see all parts of the country and the world, there is truly no place like home. Working on this magazine gives Liz the opportunity to meet her neighbors and the local businesses and more importantly, she gets to showcase them to others.

Liz is also the founder of a nonprofit called Leave No Paws Behind USA. She led the campaign to have legislative change to include pet transportation fees included in military moves. With her leadership, the bill was passed in the FY23 National Defense Appropriation Act.

Liz is excited to continue to write the stories of the FXBG Neighbors


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