The Magic of Giving: A Look at The Fairy Godmother Project 

As the new year approaches, giving to a local charity can immensely impact the community. Whether making a financial contribution or donating your time and hard work through volunteer projects, teaming up with a non-profit organization can indeed be memorable. In the Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg areas, there are many opportunities to get involved in the community.

The Fairy Godmother Project is one of these opportunities, and being that it is located in Downtown Fredericksburg, it is locally run. FGP has been an official non-profit organization since 2012 but has served the community for even longer than that. The organization works to help families that have children diagnosed with childhood cancer with their everyday tasks. 

As Cathleen Pessolano, Executive Director of FGP, described, their mantra is, "We cannot change the diagnosis, but we can change the families' experiences during their cancer journey."Providing emotional, financial, and social support, FGP has brought countless families under their wing to help them through the ups and downs of pediatric cancer. 

Annually, FGP helps over 50 families throughout their cancer journey. Typically, FGP commits to helping the family for at least 3-4 years, beginning with diagnosis and assisting through the first year of remission. Because of the long time frame, the families' needs are often changing. The Fairy Godmother Project is there to accommodate and continually make life a little bit easier for families during the difficult time. 

"Our mission is to ease the burden of day-to-day life for families facing all phases of a pediatric cancer diagnosis," Pessolano explained.

Because the cancer journey can be long, it can also feel lonely for the child and their family. Combating this loneliness is a focal point of the Fairy Godmother Project, and the organization encourages communal support between families going through similar situations. FGP helps keep the families connected to the community through support groups, family events, and retreats, all to help the families build relationships with others who are going through the same ups and downs associated with pediatric cancer. 

For example, in October, a trunk-or-treat event was held for the families to get together for a wonderful trick-or-treating experience. Additionally, FGP provides a Valentine's Day party for their families in February. The purpose of holding these events is to provide a safe environment for the families to be able to enjoy the regular childhood holiday festivities since many of the children may have compromised immune systems. 

Throughout the year, the Fairy Godmother Project hosts various large-scale events to raise funds to keep their services up and running since all incoming funds are from community donations and local community grants. 

Some of the most significant events are the Stardust Ball in April, the Carter Harris Golf Tournament each fall, and the Josh Hardy SuperHero Celebration in October. 

Right now, during these winter months, the two most significant needs to support families through FGP are snow shoveling during inclement weather and supporters adopting a family for the holiday season. 

Anyone can volunteer to assist with the snow shoveling, and this is where snow shoveling is provided for the families to make sure they can get to and from doctor's appointments and medical care even during unexpected snow storms. 

On the other hand, adopting a family means an individual or organization can be assigned a family, and they create care packages for that family. "These packages can be as simple as gift cards or family-friendly activities," describes Pessolano. This year-long activity takes place through FGP for various families, and the holiday season is the perfect time to try making the care packages to see if it's the ideal way for you to get involved. 

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in supporting this cause, more information can be found at by contacting FGP either by email atoffice@fgpinfo.orgor by phone at (240)-257-2451.

Julia Pesnell

Julia Pesnell is a junior at Riverbend High School. She is a student of the Commonwealth Governor’s and serves as the Riverbend Junior Class President. Julia also runs cross country and track for the Riverbend High School team. She holds the position of committee executive for the Spanish Honor Society and is a class representative for their chapter of HOSA. Beyond her leadership roles, Julia is actively involved in community service and is a member of the National English Honor Society.


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