Wellness Corner: Embracing Mindful Breathing for a Serene Holiday Season is a Gift to Your Well-Being

I have to be honest; the holiday season, with its joyous festivities and gatherings, can also bring a whirlwind of stress and heightened emotions; however, we do have a choice on how we want to go through the holidays. Our gatherings may not be perfect, but how we choose to experience it can make it a meaningful, joyful time. 

So, amid the holiday hustle, pause to practice the art of mindful breathing! It can be a precious gift to ourselves and those around us. 

Gift shopping, event planning, and the pressure to create picture-perfect moments can contribute to heightened anxiety. Mindful breathing, rooted in mindfulness and meditation, provides a pathway to regulate these stress levels.

Carve out a few moments each day to engage in mindful breathing. One of my favorite breathing methods is by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk. It is called "Watch the Breath." You begin by bringing your full attention to your breath. Notice the natural inhalation and exhalation without attempting to control it. Try and repeat it ten times. 

That's it! You can even say in your mind, "Watch the breath go in, watch the breath go out" as you breathe. This technique will help you focus on the present moment and activate the body's relaxation response, lowering the effects of stress hormones and supporting a calm mental state.

By incorporating mindful breathing into your routine, you can create a sanctuary of peace amidst the holiday hustle! Whether it's a quick breather before a family gathering or a serene moment by the sparkling Christmas tree, with its twinkling lights, mindful breathing becomes a reliable anchor to peace. 

Or choose to make mindful breathing a part of your holiday traditions! Create a designated space for mindful moments, such as the living room by the Christmas tree or by the fireplace. Encourage family and friends to join in, fostering a collective sense of calm and well-being. 

Consider incorporating a mindful breathing exercise into Christmas morning rituals. Whether it's a guided session or a few moments of collective silence, this practice can set a positive tone for the day and create a lasting memory of peace and joy amidst the holidays! Just breathe!

Learn more about Linda Osorio and Bear River Massage by visiting bearrivermassage.com.


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