Ready, Set, Prom: Getting Ready for Prom at North Stafford

This month North Stafford is excited to announce their annual Prom. This year's prom theme is “Once Upon a Time” inspired by Disney movies and all things magical. At North Nation, prom is especially exciting because only seniors and juniors are allowed to go but not just that, at North Stafford we go all out in decorations and preparations. Prom has been the buzz at North Stafford since we returned from spring break back in March. Everyone is getting ready trying to find the best dresses, shoes, suits, and of course, accessories. 

“I am excited to see my friends in their outfits”- Sarayah Buckland, a high school senior said when asked what she was looking forward to the most for Prom. 

“For me, what makes me excited about the Prom is seeing all the students dressed up! Just seeing how they smiled from ear to ear coming through the door that night and dressed to perfection. From Fresh stylish haircuts on the guys to the hairstyles on the girls and their nails and makeup done, to the perfect dress. They all show such confidence about themselves and they really do present the best version of themselves on that night. That makes me happy and proud of them too!” - Lisa Zawoiski , the administrative assistant at North Stafford and assistant coordinator for prom this year stated this when also asked about her favorite and exciting moments. 

I am excited for this year's prom. It is my final chance to connect with my peers” -Leah Fralin, a senior at North Stafford 

“My favorite part about prom is the memories you make whether it is getting ready or eating at 1 am after, they all make a memory” - Leah Fralin

“ I have volunteered in preparing for prom and it is such a fun experience. I enjoy the people I collaborate with and share creative opinions. - Leah Fralin 

While Prom is the most exciting time of the year, there are some fears that students who have never attended prom before are having; I took a poll of juniors and seniors who did not go to prom last year and 70% of students at North Stafford said that their biggest fear/ let down at prom would be the music being bad. However, at North Nation, we always try to make events like these relatable and engaging for students so that they can enjoy themselves and feel appreciated for all the hard work and effort they put into being successful. Events like these are so important for students because it gives students a chance to have fun and celebrate the work that they do. After COVID-19, many students were struggling to come to school and were struggling to find the motivation to succeed. Unfortunately, a couple of students even dropped out. But this year, the students at North have stepped up their game within the classroom. Students have been attending school more frequently and we have reduced our number of chronically absent students which makes Prom this year all the more exciting. 

“I think what makes each prom different from year to year is the themes that students come up with and where we decide to hold it. Year to Year, it is different and always great. The students work well together by choosing a theme and what they want that vision to look like and then making it become a reality. Sometimes it is not really about where you have it, but it is taking the theme and making seem reak through decorations and the feeling you experience while at prom”

-Lisa Zaiwoiski, Administrative Assitant 

North Nation has come together to make this Prom a night to remember. A special thanks to MsKathryn Barbarczukfor hosting and coordinating prom this year as well as the rest of the faculty and the wonderful students who helped make this all possible. North Nation is excited to present one of the best nights ever, a “Once Upon a Time “ Theme Prom on May 4th.

Nora Ahmad

Nora Ahmad, currently in her junior year at North Stafford High School, is involved with the school's DECA Club and the Book Buddy program. She harbors a strong interest in literature, journalism, business, and writing. Nora aspires to achieve her dream of becoming a published author one day.


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