Tips for Preparing Your Pet for a Visit to the Groomer

Desensitization is a huge key to having a well-balanced dog. Exposing your pet to anything and everything will help them build confidence and realize the world is not as scary as it may seem! One of the best tools you can use at home is an electric toothbrush to simulate the vibrating of clippers and the dremel we use on their nails. You can run the toothbrush all over their body, focusing on their face, head and feet as those are typically the most sensitive areas for dogs during grooming. Try to set aside time for training and as always, make it a positive experience with rewards for good behavior. If your pet is small enough you may set a towel on a dryer or countertop, and that will also help acclimate them to the idea of being on a grooming table. Prior to any outing or training session, be sure to burn off that excess energy! Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Anything you can do with your pet to tire them physically or mentally will help them in all situations. A tired mind & body = a well-behaved and more balanced dog.


Take a trip to your groomer just to hang out. Dogs are incredibly smart animals, and they know where they're going before they get there! Bringing your dog in for no reason other than a visit can greatly reduce the anxiety they experience around drop off. What we want is to keep the dog guessing. This helps avoid a situation where your pet could build up nervous energy prior to their arrival. At drop off, as hard as it is to leave your pet while they cry for you, sometimes it's a must! Numerous dogs will almost immediately turn and come to the back for grooming as soon as their owner is out of sight. We always allow owners to walk back with us while taking their pet to a run or kennel, and most of the time their behavior is completely different than with owners present.


For professional grooming, visit Petman Grooming at 20 Plantaion Dr, Ste, 105, Fredericksburg, VA 22406. or call (540)373-6333. Mention Neighbors of Courthouse for a FREE teeth brushing!


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