Mountain View High School: A Spotlight on Student Council

Mountain View High School's student council is definitely a force to be reckoned with! The Mountain View High School Student Council is run by Emily Mason. The student council is a very important part of schools because it allows the student body to voice their opinions and concerns to the administration. The main goal of SCA is to promote school activities and make the school a place where everyone feels like they belong. 

From being able to join a club to being able to talk to someone who shares a common interest with you, students agree that it is a great way to voice their opinions while making a positive impact on their school community. Creating a space where all students feel comfortable voicing their opinions is a great thing to have in a high school setting. The Mountain View High School Student Council has many activities to get the students together in the community to have a great time while being in a school setting. 

The big events they have every year are things like homecoming, pep rallies, and tailgates. All of these events are school-wide events to help create that sense of feeling that you can also have fun in school and in a more relaxed environment. With all of these activities comes a huge sense of community and unity within the school. The students within the council play a huge role in all of these activities, from organizing supplies to decorating for events. With the funds from these events, the council is able to continue with all of the great things they do for the community. 

President Tayler Tanks said, “Being in the student council is truly an amazing thing to be a part of, and the council truly feels like a family.”

With all of the positions in the council, each one is as important as the other. The positions include the following:

  • President, Tayler Tanks: The president is responsible for creating meeting agendas, running SCA meetings, and communicating with the advisor and the rest of the officers.

  • Vice President, Ava Verzosa: Supports the president with helping to establish the agendas for meetings and communicates with all officers. The vice president will be prepared to step into running the meetings if the president is unable to do so. 

  • Treasurers, Carlos ‘Charlie’ Padiila & Meagan Calvert: Helps to keep the SCA within a set budget, investigates costs for items of interest for SCA, and communicates with all officers.

  • Secretary, Jillian Sanchez: Records notes on all SCA meetings, updates the folders/files so that all officers can find any/all information, and communicates effectively with all officers.

  • Historians, Bradley Harris & Alishir Seytoff: Runs all social media accounts. Attends a variety of school events and takes photos, to help promote and support ALL clubs, teams, events for MVHS, and communicates effectively with all officers.

  • The Den/Student Outreach/Student Interests- Lily Jones, Elizabeth Buckman, Lucas Kral, Catherine ‘CJ’ Southland, Alaina Corbin, Karessa Anderson, Ben Meinert, Morgan Cahoon, Gabriella ‘Elle’ Smith, & Christian Ceser: Communicates with all clubs/teams to bring back information to SCA, so that SCA can support and promote all different groups for MVHS. Runs the Student Section for athletics.

The student council is a huge part of the school, and without their hard work behind the scenes, the school would be missing out on so many amazing things.

Tayler Tanks

Tayler Tanks is currently a junior honors student at Mountain View High School. She boasts a 4.0 GPA and is extremely active in the Stafford community. She plans to become a lawyer after high school and is excited to bring readers of Stafford Living the highlights about Mountain View.


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