Leveling Up Your Game with Pilates: Improving Sports Performance through “Contrology” 

Pilates builds a strong core, simultaneously increases strength and flexibility, and improves posture, stability, and alignment. It also emphasizes complete concentration on smooth movement and proper breathing. You become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how best to control its movement. Many describe this feeling as being more “connected” to your body. Joseph Pilates called his method “Contrology” because of the benefits of balancing the body, mind, and spirit.


Pilates applied to sports can be loosely divided into three categories: twisting sports, endurance sports, and stability sports.


Twisting sports require athletes to simultaneously move both the upper and lower body, often in opposing directions. Mobility in the spine and hips, strong abs, and deep conditioning of pelvic muscles help with the torquing used in these sports. Pilates exercises help the upper back and shoulder girdle to be evenly conditioned and taken through a full range of motion. Control of the transverse abdominus (lower abs) and deeper pelvic muscles can help avoid a sports hernia, which can develop through repeated torquing in the pelvis.  In addition to golf and tennis, other twisting sports include skiing, soccer, football, hockey, and baseball.


Endurance sports are usually linear in nature, with athletes in repetitive motion in one direction with little lateral movement. Examples include swimming, running, hiking, and cycling. Pilates helps to develop fluid movement and the mind-body connection, training muscles to fire correctly in sync with each other. Working against spring resistance in Pilates enables the body to keep continual muscle engagement, enhancing the athlete’s ability to hold certain positions with proper alignment and without discomfort.  Deep ribcage breathing in Pilates increases oxygenation and stamina, and the diaphragm can expand fully. Adding Pilates to their repertoire can help endurance athletes restore muscle balance in the arms and legs and move more efficiently. 


Stability sports require the body to hold a stable position while making precise movements around a strong center. These sports include weightlifting, surfing, equestrian, and martial arts. The core training provided by a Pilates practice can enable the athlete to hold proper form while moving freely through their extremities. The breath control and flowing movement in Pilates help the athlete to focus as they prepare to make dynamic movements from their anchored core.


There are many overlaps between these three categories of sport, but the overall balance and benefits of a Pilates program will enhance any sport you choose. There are many testimonials online of athletes who have used Pilates to recover from injury, improve function, and stay strong while avoiding overtraining. You may have heard about elite athletes using Pilates to improve their performance, but weekend warriors and gym rats can also benefit.  Consider adding Pilates to your regimen and level up your game!


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